
Frequency twice a year
Circulation English, French
Circulation 57.000
Readership 199.500


Man In Town is a young editorial project specialized in men’s fashion and passions. It is edited by Federico Poletti and Peter Cardona and directed by Federico Poletti , very well known on the market and among fashion PR  agencies as they have been curators of Pitti website and web TV.

They launched Man In Town some years ago as a pure digital platform, while in June 2015 paper issue was also published.  Man In Town is recognized as a reference on the market also because several capsule collections by important fashion designers were launched with their coordination and support.


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Socioeconomic Groups:
They launched Man In Town some years ago as a pure digital platform, while in June 2015 paper issue was also published. Man In Town is recognized as a reference on the market also because several capsule collections by important fashion designers were launched with their coordination and support.
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