The Economic Times

Frequency Daily
Circulation 662,282
Readership 735,000


The Economic Times is a daily economic newspaper of India with more than half a century of history, covers topics such as politics, business, economics, sports and entertainment seen from the business point of view. To deal with all these issues in an accurate way, the newspaper has several supplements.

The Economic Times is published in more than ten cities (Bombay, Delhi, Bangalore, Madras, Calcutta, Lucknow, Hyderabad, Ahmedabad, Chandigarh and Pune) in India and Europe, and is the most listened voice and the economic journalism authority on its country and Asia, is the third most important, influential and renowned economic newspaper in the world.

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Socieconomic Group:
93% of readers of this newspaper consume it exclusively and do not consult any source of economic news in addition to this.
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